On 10-acre greens stand 1 luxury 3 Storey Bungalow, 22 luxury Double Storey Semi Detached and 48 Double Storey Terrace House. It is a perfect home combining modern amenities, innovative exterior and spacious living space, that allows you a city home, while embracing the countryside living.
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With its strategic location in Tangkak, traffic will a breeze with easy access to various communities, schools and public facilities nearby. Built with superior materials and pre-set with a wide range of practical household amenities, it is your answer to a perfect home that everyone can afford.
3 Storey Bungalow
Land area (sqft) / 土地面积(方尺)
6489 sq.ft.
Double Storey Semi-Detached
Land area (sqft) / 土地面积(方尺)
40′ X 80′ onward / 起
Double Storey Terrace House
Land area (sqft) / 土地面积(方尺)
20′ X 67′ onward / 起
- Stainless Steel Gate & Staircase Handrail
- Aluminium Frame With Clear Glass Sliding Door
- Latest Decoration Fencing & Gate Pillar
- Floor Finished With Tiles – Living Room, Dining & Bedroom 24″ X 24″
- Bathrooms Finished With Wall & Floor Tiles
- Plaster Ceiling
- Wet & Dry Kitchens
- ‘Anti Termites Treatment’ With Warranty
- Telephone Line Wiring
- Air-Cond Power Point Ready For All Bedrooms
- Alarm Wiring Point Ready
- Auto Gate Wiring Point Ready
- Water Heater Point Ready
- 白钢篱笆门及白钢楼梯扶手
- 白色木式铝及亮面玻璃
- 新潮点缀篱笆柱
- 屋内磁砖 – 客厅,餐厅及卧室 (24“ X24”)
- 浴室铺上地砖及墙砖
- 石膏天花板
- 拥有干,湿两个厨房
- 防白蚁油
- 电话线及插座
- 每间房间设有冷气位
- 预设防盗铃系统线路
- 设有电动门(线路)
- 热水器插座
- Spacious Master Bathroom
- Water Heater System in Master Bathroom
- Rain Water Harvesting System
- Auto Gate
- 宽敞的主浴室
- 主浴室热水器系统
- 雨水蓄存系统
- 电动门