A great investment opportunity for both property ownership and business start-up


A great investment opportunity for both property ownership and business start-up — perfect to rent out or start a business


As we all know, real estate investment is recognized as one of the most stable industries to accumulate wealth, perfect for risk-aversion investors. The demand for real estate is always there as land resources continue to decline while the world’s population continues to grow. Therefore, the return of investment (ROI) in the real estate has always been stable.



Malaysia’s real estate has always been a favorite amongst investors, with commercial units attracting the most attention as these units are considered a strategic investment. No matter whether if you were buying it for rental collection or for commercial use, here are some of the benefits of investing in commercial units:

1. 自用或出租皆宜Suitable to rent out or to use it commercially.


Commercial units have a wide range of uses. As an owner, you can either use it for business, commercial purposes, or rent it out at a reasonable price and collect monthly rent. By way of explanation, this is a safe investment for asset preservation and appreciation, especially if the property you’ve purchased is located in an area with access to public transportation and has sufficient parking spaces.

2. 省成本、省精力Less overhead, less headaches


Among the many type of real estate, a commercial unit is said to be a cost-effective and energy saving investment project. Merchants who rent these units for business purposes are often willing to invest in interior designing to build a strong branding. Therefore, investors just need to ensure that their businesses are equipped with basic water and power essentials.

3. 资本增值高,可抗通膨及货币贬值High capital appreciation, resistant to inflation and currency depreciation

Commercial units have an irrefutable capital appreciation, and investing in these units is a great way to fight inflation and currency depreciation. It is also one of the best investments for value preservation and appreciation.

4. 租金回酬佳、少烦恼Good returns of investment

投资在地点和治安良好、地段旺、人气高以及发展商信誉佳这类利商利民的多元商业特区,店铺的租金收入肯定将会随着越来越多不同行业的商家入驻而增长,其身价也会随之水涨船高。一般上,商业租户都会要求签长期租约,一来能拥有充足的时间为业务扎根; 二来则是基于已花费一笔钱在店面装修,因此租户都会要求长期租赁的保障。如此一来,业主就可省却频繁招租、断租空置的烦恼。若租户的生意兴旺,业主还可依据租约加租。由此看来,店屋的租金回报可谓是相对稳定的。

Investing in diverse commercial zones with a strategic location, good security, and high foot traffic undoubtedly will increase the rental income. As more businesses populate the area, the value of these units will rise. Commercial tenants are also usually required to sign long-term leases. By doing so, owners will have less of a headache with vacancy issues. If the tenant’s business is booming, the landlord can also increase the rent according to the lease agreement.


In conclusion, investing in a commercial unit is a highly strategic move. Low risk with high benefits. However, the investment threshold based on the single unit is impartially high, so it is advisable for everyone to do thorough research to avoid losses.

想进场投资产业的您是否已开始心动了呢?古来热门商业新焦点Gemilang Square 推出的店屋单位,将会是您绝佳的选择!

Would you be tempted to invest in commercial properties after discovering the benefits of doing so? The new commercial hotspot of Kulai — Gemilang Square will be your right choice for investment.


Click Here, or contact us for more info:





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