8 tips to create a safer workplace that prevent against Covid-19



While more sectors in various industries such as businesses and farming are allowed to operate, many workers have gradually returned to their companies to work. However, the outbreak of new clusters across the country have raised concerns among workers.

Here are some tips for both employers and workers on how to prepare your workplace to prevent the Covid-19 infection:

贴士1: 所有职员必须定时检测,发现身体不适即休假或居家办公

Tip 1: All staff should keep themselves healthy and to stay home upon feeling unwell


The employer should provide Covid-19 test kits for the workers to perform a self-test once in every one or two weeks. At the same time, returning to work is strictly not allowed for workers who experience symptoms of fever, cold, cough and other physical discomfort.

贴士2: 确保职员、访客的MySejahtera 患病风险状态是属于低风险、无症状  

Tip 2: Ensure that the MySejahtera health risk status for staff and visitors display ‘low-risk, no symptom’

规定进入公司的每位职员或访客,必须扫描MySejahtera二维码签到,且每个人在各自的MySejahtera 主页显示的患病风险状态还得是属于低风险、无症状,同时已完成两剂疫苗接种。

Employees or visitors must scan the My Sejahtera QR code to check in, and the health risk status displayed on their My Sejahtera app must be ‘low-risk, no symptom’, and with two doses of vaccination completed.

贴士3: 严格遵守职场复工标准作业程序:测体温、戴口罩、常洗手、保持社交距离  

Tip 3: Compliance of standard operating procedures (SOP) before returning to work


When entering the company, all employees must have a mask on, have body temperature taken, maintain social distancing among colleagues and practice hand-washing with soap or hand sanitizer as to prevent the Covid-19 infection.

贴士4: 保持办公室内的空气流通、提高新鲜空气交换率    

Tip 4: Ensure good air circulation and indoor air quality in the office


If the office does not have doors and windows that allow fresh air to enter and circulate, one may consider purchasing new equipment that can improve quality of indoor air, such as plasma air purifiers or high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration systems, etc. in order to reduce the risk of virus droplets and particles from spreading through the air.

贴士5: 相邻职员的座位之间设置隔离板或屏风

Tip 5: Install partitions between the seating area of employees


In order to prevent droplets’ transmission caused by sneezing or coughing by the employees, it is important to install glass or plastic partitions between the seating area of employees as a safety barrier.

贴士6: 减少面对面的会议

Tip 6: Avoid face-to-face meetings


Company meetings generally involved persons in charge of various departments to participate, hence this may be regarded as a close gathering and increase the risk of contracting the virus. Therefore, it should be safer to hold a meeting via video or conference call instead.

贴士7: 定时消毒所有公共设施与公用空间 

Tip 7: Disinfect all public facilities and public spaces regularly


Carry out regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces or equipment that were frequently touched and used such as door handles, folders, toilets, office phones, printers, chairs, etc. This will help to maintain the office in a clean and hygienic environment.

贴士8: 上班职员避免同桌用餐

Tip 8: Avoid dining at the same table


Arrange staggered lunch times for employees to limit the number of people in the same room and as effective prevention from the virus.


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